Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Tonight at dinner my Sra was talking to us about her childhood under Franco. She went to a special school that posed as a Franco-law-abiding establishment when the inspectors were around, but then functioned as a really progressive anti-Franco school during normal school days. For example, Franco demanded boys and girls be separated in school, but in her school they mixed genders. Patricia also had to live as a woman, obviously, under Franco, and that was literally the equivalent of living in the middle ages. She had to ask her father or her husband's permission to get a passport or to work. The Spanish also had to salute Franco with the "Hitler" greeting.

It was really eye-opening that something like this was happening in the 60's and 70's.


  1. What a fascinating experience and story. I am so glad you did choose to stay with a host family.

  2. It has been so interesting to read your blog alongside the class that I'm taking about Spanish history... We learned about Franco like a week ago and here you go! How perfect for me :) I can't wait to hear all of your stories!! Your blog makes me want to just pick up and move to Europe every single time I read it, btw.
