Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring Break Update!

I just bought a train ticket from Berlin to Rome!

On April 17th at 2:40 pm I board a train to Munich, then transfer to a train to Rome. I arrive at 9:20am the following day! I am very excited!

I also just bought a ticket to go to Paris the weekend of March 25th. A few friends are joining me there!

I will also be attending...

The Royal Wedding! At least I will watch the procession go by from somewhere! It is all very, very exciting!

There is an NYU Sponsored day trip to Toledo this Friday and will keep the blog updated!


  1. are not really going to be in London during the royal wedding ...! This sounds like such an exciting trip!! You are so lucky! You have to keep us informed all along the way!

  2. Yes! It is too exciting for words!

  3. Yes...Bridget goes to London. Are you going to Paris over Spring break and now or just the 25th? Could I get your complete schedule for those last minute decisions? Thank you!!
