Saturday, February 26, 2011


Hello! Last weekend I went to Barcelona with a friend of mine. It is a gorgeous, gorgeous city. It feels slightly more bustling than Madrid, and the pace reminded me more of New York than Madrid has thus far.  The Catalan and French influences were present all over the place and gave the city a nice vibe.

I apologize for such a lag in posts! School is beginning to feel like school. I also have a slower internet connection at my homestay so uploading pictures takes a very long time. I am going to try and upload as many pictures as possible but at the same time keep my blogs more consistent! Tomorrow I will put up pictures/write about the fabulous, gorgeous, very cool town that is Avila. It has a completely preserved and intact medieval wall surrounding the entire city. Very cool. 


  1. Alex...what are the pictures of...what are those colored things - pink, turquoise, etc? What is that first picture? A building or a sculpture? Where's the beach?

  2. Hi mom! There are more photos on my facebook! It just takes years to upload them here!
