Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 4: Museum


Today we all got tours of the Reina Sofia Museum which is 19th and 20th century Spanish art. We saw Guernica! It was massive. And there are all sorts of small sketched in details that you can't see in the reproductions. It was very cool. We also had learned alot about Dali and his issues with women and his sense of identity.

Tomorrow we go on an NYU-sponsored day trip to Segovia, which has one of the castles that inspired the Disney Cinderella/Princess castle!


  1. does look like fairyland...what a beautiful, beautiful place!

  2. omg i want to see that painting so bad i hear its totally overwhelming in person. COOOOOOL!

  3. It was!! It has birds in it, and all sorts of interesting lines/details I never saw before!
