Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spanish "Culture Shock"

Before we came to Spain, all of the Study Abroad professors and staff told us to be prepared for extreme culture shock. Thus far, I feel that nothing is really shocking--just different. This is especially true coming from New York City. Here are some things, the bad and the good together in a list that is objectively obscure about which is bad and which is good, that are different:

1. It is incredibly rude not to wear shoes at the dinner table

2. The Spanish Schedule:
7-8am: Wake up and breakfast (continental style, with toast, coffee, cereal, etc)
9am: Go to work
11am: Leave work for a coffee/slice of tortilla (eggy/potato thing)
12pm: Back to work
2pm: Everything closes down, except for restaraunts thank heavens, for "siesta". This is frustratingly easy to forget. Lunch time!
5pm: Go back to work
8pm: Leave work
10pm: Dinner

3. All of the train stations have escalators--it is divine.

4. When someone is sick, Cordelia and I are sharing a cold, the way they cheer you up is to make jokes about killing you. For example, after you sneeze, they will say something along the lines of "Kill the sick one before she gets to us" etc with a smile on their faces

5. The older women here are fabulous. They are always dressed past the 9´s in fur coats, pearls, diamonds, huge sunglasses, and their hair perfectly coiffed. I aspire to be like them some day.

6. There are no dryers! Our clothes hang outside of our windows and we pulley them in.

7. When you cross the street at a crosswalk, the cars have to stop for you! It is very empowering.

I will keep adding to the list as they come my way!


  1. Take pictures of the old ladies for me please.

    Also I had a dream that I came to visit you in spain last night and for some reason me and your roommates wanted to take a picture together so some girl took a bowl of cole slaw and emptied it on the floor and we took a picture in front of it. And there were all these weird green sculptures everywhere. Then your Sra came in and got really pissed and told me to leave cuz I was wearing shoes and she didn't like the cole slaw on the carpet. Then I realized I was dreaming and I could do whatever I wanted and you can imagine where it went after that (ill send that part to you in a fbook message). Then I had another dream (nightmare) where a bull attacked albert in my backyard and I woke up sweating. Hope the culture doesnt shock you as much as that dream did.

  2. I, too, would like a picture of the "old ladies." I presume you are speaking of women of a certain age like myself? If only I hadn't spent money on foolish things..I could have furs, jewels, and perfectly coiffed hair. Sigh.

    Anyway...that is a great list! But I don't think it's all that objective:)

  3. No mom, Eres joven! You are young! I´m talking women in the 80s-90s-100s.

    And Allison: WHOA
    I have yet to have any dreams here because I am so wiped out every day! But I wish you were coming to visit :(, you too mom :(

  4. Love #4. Wish I had diamonds and a fur coat to wear in the evenings. Perhaps we can be these women together one day, Al.

  5. you had me cracking up at 4 and 5... so funny! miss you :)
